Monday, August 11, 2008

John Edwards -- Hypocrite

So, this good-looking gentleman from the south, who considers himself a liberal minded democrat just won't step up and support gay marriage. After all, he is a good christian, married for 30 years to the same woman, lost a son in a car accident, and is there to fight for what he believes in.

And, sadly enough, we find out that Mr. John Edwards has been cheating on his wife while she is battling breast cancer. What a good christan man he is. He has the right in this country to marry, and cheat on a sick wife, and hold himself out to be this good man wanting to make a difference.

John Edwards is a lying, cheating SOB, that does not deserve the grace of god. "God" forbid that a gay person should have the right to marry. Maybe what these straight people fear the most is that gay people will actually take marriage and the committment that goes with it seriously, and they will be "discovered" as the hypocrites they are, much like the esteemed Senator (SOB).

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