Monday, November 13, 2006

Haggard the Terrible

Well, I really didn't think I would have much more to say about the Christian right and the Gay Marriage debate. Then, ka-boom, right in my own backyard a gay male prostitue (Mike Jones) drops the ultimate bomb shell: Haggard the Horrible (HH) of Colorado Springs is Gay and a Meth user!

What I find totally fascinating, is that HH would rather admit to being tempted by illegal drug use, than admit he is homosexual. Now, the good old boys in Colorado Springs are going to give him a spanking (figuratively of course?) have him disappear for a few months or years, then come out as an X-Closeted-Gay or XCG (see my previous article for more on X-gays). Now, HH, who will soon be a XCG and has five kids (and a wife) will become the ultimate: an XCG-breeder! Whooppee!

Not much more to say, other than the religious crap continues on this subject. My only advice to those of you (my family included) that CHOOSE to believe that being gay is a CHOICE, I can only say to you this: Would HH really want to put his wife and kids through such a scandal, if he had a CHOICE? The only real choice he had was to put aside his own internal homophobia, admit to himself who he really is, an try and lead as AUTHENTIC of a life as possible.

AUTHENTIC my friends -- that is what this whole experience is about: authenticity.

Take care. And I will say a prayer for us all.

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