Thursday, July 20, 2006

Questions for Focus on the Family

You know it really pisses me off when these gay-bashing organizations like Focus on the Family promote in the media their “ex-gay” members, touting their position that being gay is a “choice” and can be “overcome.” How about we “overcome” being straight? Maybe I really will get a toaster oven after all (remember Ellen?)

Well, hooray for these “ex gays!” That is, if they can find happiness living whatever life they “choose,” then who am I to tell them they are full of shit (even though I may think they are?) And, even if those at Focus on the Family think I am full of shit, who are they to tell me how to live my life?

I don’t care if you are straight, or gay, or bisexual, or trans-gendered, or asexual, or even HETEROSEXUAL! Why does Focus on the Family care? Their reason for "caring" is because of this absurd argument that “traditional family values” are in jeopardy if gays are allowed to marry. Pure bunk! Come up with something better, for Pete’s sake!

I think that straight people should be made accountable for their own mistakes, and not blame the demise of “traditional family values” on gay people. Isn’t it lovely that Brittany Spears can get married, and then become un-married all in a couple of days? What does that say for the state of heterosexual marriage in the USA? The divorce rate, and the demise of “traditional family values” (Ozzie and Harriet?) is not the fault of gays – it is the result of “breeders” or heterosexuals not giving a damn about their marriage, and the time and effort needed to cultivate such a relationship.

By the way, I know several gay people with kids, so maybe it is time to coin a new term “gay-breeders” for gays with kids.

Now, we “gays” have to put up with these “ex-gays” that have made a “choice” to become, magically, a fully functioning heterosexual – come on! Do you really believe this crap? And, even if you do, and you think being gay is a choice, why do you want to tell another person how to live their life? And, why do you want to deny that person equal protection under the law?

All of this time and energy devoted to denying a gay man or woman the right to marry, for the sake of “traditional family values?” Damn, at least come up with something other than a sound bite. Hey, that Ozzie-and-Harriet life was a Hollywood dream, my friends. Like the hollywood movie Pleasantville, living a “black-and-white” existence is fine for some, but it can be stifling for many.

If we look at all the “families” today, very few fit this “traditional family value” mold. And, this has come about all during a period of time when gays have not been allowed to marry. Why, what if, by chance, gays were allowed to marry, and “traditional family values” improved? “God” forbid!

None of it makes sense to me, but, of course, I am gay after all. Why don’t we leave marriage to the churches (gay and straight alike), let people have the legal benefit of a civil union, and get on with doing something real for a change?

And lastly, these poor son-of-a-bitch ex-gays usually wind up becoming ex-ex-gays. And, somewhere along the line, if they do have kids, then I guess they would be ex-ex-gay-breeders. Maybe an acronym would better describe them: XXGBs.
Take care!

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